"The diagnosis of chronic bronchitis is made by history, chronic airways obstruction is assessed physiologically, and emphysema can be diagnosed with certainty in most instances by high resolution CT scans or by histologic examination of sections of whole lung fixed at inflation."
"Diagnosticul bronsitei cronice se face prin anamneza, obstructia cronica a cailor respiratorii fiind evidenta clinic, iar emfizemul, în cele mai multe cazuri, putând fi diagnosticat cu precizie prin CT de înalta rezolutie si prin examinarea histologica a sectiunilor printr-un plamân întreg fixat la sfârsitul inspirului." (pg. 1600)
"localizarii peribronsiolare ale modificarilor ..." (pg. 1601)
"este rezultatul actiunii interleukinei 8 si a varietatii altor citokine chemotactice si proinflamatorii" (pg. 1601)
"It is the consequence of the actions of interleukin 8 and a variety of other chemotactic and proinflammatory cytokines "
"Productia de sputa este stimulata de exocitoza crescuta din celulele secretorii, de mediatori lipidici si produsele celulelor inflamatorii in special macrofagele care secreta mucus. " (pg 1601) E SI GRILA CU ASTA:)))
"Sputum production is stimulated by increased exocytosis from secretory cells, lipid mediators, and inflammatory cell products, especially macrophage mucus secretagogue."
"(de exemplu, intre 0,5 si 2,5 g/l)" (pg. 1602)
"(i.e., between 0.5 and 2.5 g/L)"
"Cand timpii sunt destul de prelungiti, durata expirului poate fi insuficienta, chiar la frecvente respiratorii normale, si plamanii pot deveni incapabili la volumul lor mecanic de echilibru, CRE. " (pg. 1603)
"When time constants are sufficiently prolonged, there may be insufficient time for expiration, even at normal respiratory rates, and the lungs may be unable to return to their mechanical equilibrium volume, FRC."
joi, 1 noiembrie 2007
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